Our most important criterion throughout the recruitment process is a candidate’s compliance with our institutional culture and values. Job applications to our company are evaluated on the basis of open positions. Candidates with the required qualifications are then invited for an interview held by the Human Resources Department. Candidates go through at least two interviews where the positions’ respective managers are involved. After the first interview, the candidates take a foreign language test, a numerical and verbal ability test, and a personality inventory evaluation. After this stage, the Human Resources team and the relevant department manager conduct a second meeting with the successful candidates in order to evaluate their compatibility with our common values, adaptation to our institutional culture, and competencies. Our managers are part of the whole process. They get to know our candidates better and work effectively with the Human Resources team to choose the most suitable candidate. Candidates who successfully complete the interview stages participate in the Assessment Centre sessions tailored for the type of positions they have applied for. We use the Evaluation Centre because we believe many different methods employed here help us observe in greater detail the candidates’ professional attitudes, behaviours, and competencies with the help of group and/or individual studies and simulation tools. After these steps, eligible candidates receive job offers along with the salary information and the employment package. Once the candidate accepts the job offer, formal entry procedures and orientation processes begin. Candidates deemed unsuitable for the current positions after the recruitment processes are informed about the decision.
Orientation kits and online trainings are provided for our new employees to facilitate their adaptation to the company and to better inform them about the Defacto culture. Our new team members are assigned Onboarding Buddies, who they work with for one month to ensure that adaptation to the company is smooth and efficient.
To meet our stores’ human resources needs and to raise managerial staff, we recruit Department Managers and Store Managers twice a year through the “Store Manager Candidate” programme. The prerequisites to join in this programme are a bachelor's degree and career targeting in retail.
Periodical training and development programmes are organised throughout the year for recent university graduates applying for office positions at the Headquarters. The prerequisites to join in this programme are an undergraduate degree and advanced level of English language skills.
Every year internship applications open in April for vocational school students and in May for university students. University students spend five days a week in summer (June to September) and high school students spend three days a week in winter (September to June) at our Headquarters. If university student trainees would like to continue working at DeFacto after they graduate, they will be considered for Assistant Expert positions as per our units’ needs.
As the Human Resources team, we support our employees, our most valuable asset, with training and development programmes to maximise their personal development to maintain a sustainable high work performance while giving them the opportunity to develop. With the help of Performance Management system, 360-degree feedback and back-up processes, we provide a fair evaluation to our employees in line with objective criteria, giving a direction to their career plans and promotion.
We developed the DeFacto Performance Management System to focus on our company strategies more quickly and efficiently and to systematically monitor progress along this path. With the Performance Management System, we aim to reach our business targets, bring out our employees’ successful business results, and integrate high performance into our corporate culture. Our annual performance evaluation process with the DeFacto Performance Management System consists of three phases:
1. Goal Identification Our employees meet with their managers to set their individual goals in line with our annual company goals.
2. Interim Evaluation Goals set at the beginning of the year are reviewed. During this period, employees receive feedback from their managers and outline personal development plans towards their career goals. belirlenir.
3. Annual Assessment Corporate and individual goal achievements are evaluated. Outputs from the performance management system provide input to career management, wage management and reward processes.